How to protect clothes from stain

Clothes are very sensitive against to stain In general a stain is something that leaves a mark and while washing it makes clothes dull. Please read and learn how to protect your clothes from Stain.

Press Wale Bhaiya

We’ve all been through the situation at least once if not many times, that our favourite t-shirt or a beautiful pullover has lost its charm thanks to a disgusting stain. Stains have been a common enemy of all humankind since the dawn of time. No matter how much you try to avoid them, they will find your clothes at the right time and spoil all the fun. So, this brings us to the all important question: how to remove stains from clothes? 

Clothes are very sensitive against to stain In general a stain is something that leaves a mark and while washing it makes clothes dull. Please read and learn how to protect your clothes from Stain.

Why Are Stains Hard to Remove?

Before we find the solutions to our stain problems, let us take a look at what makes these stains so tough to remove. Whether your clothes are stained from a breakfast consisting of bacon and sausage, or from contacting a wall with fresh paint on it, there is a definitive probability that your clothes are stained with grease. 

Grease brings all sorts of trouble along with it because it is a member of the lipid family, along with waxes and natural oils, which are equally dangerous for your clothes. These lipids have certain properties which make them insoluble in water, meaning your average clothes washing isn’t going to be of much help.

You might think of using a napkin or something else beforehand because lipids are insoluble in water, but my friend, we all wish it would be so simple. You can switch to alternatives to machine washing by using white vinegar, dish soap, baking soda, or other degrease and acids, which being organic solvents, are soluble with grease. 

Even with so many safe alternatives to choose from, you could still find it hard to get rid of stains easily and here’s why: You’re too late. The mantra with avoiding stains is to implement your stain removal strategy as soon as possible.  But we all agree that it’s too late when we notice these pesky stains. 

To add to your annoyance, some grease stains become more rigid after the first washing if not attended to properly, making them closely knit with the fabric of your clothes. This is also a problem which demands for a change in your cloth washing plan as you would need to use an enzyme based stain treatment plan. There is a wide array of products available in the market which can help you out of this difficult situation, but for various fabrics and cloth types, and various staining techniques such as gram stain, you would have to choose wisely for the correct stain remover for clothes.


Removing Stains with Ease


Now that we know why stains cling to our clothes so rigidly, let us move on to finding some hassle-free solutions to our problem. Whether you require to remove grease stains out of carpet, upholstery, or your favorite t-shirt, we can help you with avoiding stain marks easily. First, let us take a quick look at one of the most basic, and quick methods to help prevent stains:


Quick Solution: 

If you instantly notice that your clothes or carpet has a fresh stain, the first thing to do is to take a clean white cloth, and dab it on the stained spot to remove excess grease from it right then and there. Next, search for baking soda and apply it to the lipid stain, covering it entirely. Let the baking soda work on the grease for around ten minutes before proceeding. 


Next, take a butter knife and remove as much baking soda as you can with the help of it. Now, you have to sprinkle some baking soda on the stain a second time, and then gently scrub the fabric surface. You have to wait for the baking soda to turn brown till you are done. Repeat the scrubbing process with fresh baking soda until it doesn’t turn brown anymore. Now you can proceed with washing the fabric as you normally do with the rest of your clothes, and you would surely be rid of the stain once and for all. Using starch or baby powder instead of baking soda will also have the same effect. 


Remember that the above mentioned solution would only work when the stain is real fresh and you have taken action straight away, or let’s say within ten minutes of the cloth getting stained. If the stain is set in pretty bad, and dried, we might have to change our methods. To take out dried stain effectively, you need to make sure the stain doesn’t spread as we would have to reactivate it. For best quality stain removal, you can use our products that won’t disappoint. 


Removing Dried Stains:

The first thing to remember is that you shouldn’t wet the fabric which has a dried stain, as water and oil won’t mix and the stain could spread. It will be worse as the water will only saturate the fabric around the grease.  


Next advice is to have a piece of cardboard on the other side of the fabric to prevent any further spreading while you are working on the stain. Carefully scrap as much grease as you can, while keeping the fabric dry. Now, to get started with the treatment, you need to apply a few drops of dish soap to the stained place, waiting for a few minutes till the dish soap gets soaked into the fabric. With the use of your fingers or a used toothbrush, you need to rub the solution to ensure it gels with the stain. 


After rubbing the solution and waiting for a couple of minutes, you can now rinse the fabric, or the specific stained area with warm water. With the help of a natural bleaching agent and color-safe laundry booster, it will be easy to remove rigid stains. 


For the final step of the stain removal, make sure you air-dry the fabric rather than putting it in the dryer as the heat within the dryer can aid any remaining strain to settle into the fabric with more stubbornness. This method is quite useful and will help you remain stain free throughout the year!